Charlotte Diamond in concert

(Our camera was lost and now it’s been found so this is being posted a bit late.)

On a Monday, a couple of weeks ago, we returned from Northridge, where we  were invited to hear Charlotte Diamond perform to a completely sold out audience of children, teachers, mothers, and grandmothers, fathers and grandfathers. For those who are unfamiliar with Charlotte Diamond, she is a Canadian gem of singer who has devoted her professional life to children’s music. She has won numerous awards including several Junos, the Canadian equivalent to the Grammys.  Her craftmanship, sense of humor, comfort, and ease is evident seeing her perform live. While we watched, she sang, blew bubbles, played her guitar, invited children to walk around on stage and even had someone dress up as a pizza slice – not all at the same time, of course. She will be returning to the Southern California area in August and will be performing at the South Coast Botanical Gardens as part of their summer concert series on August 28th, 2011. I can’t wait!

A preschool joins Charlotte Diamond on stage

Catching bubbles

Audience clapping first of many times

Mishy dancing with a concert souvenir


Charlotte Diamond

If you would like to hear Charlotte Diamond sooner rather than later, her CD, 10 Carrot Diamond, features her greatest hits. Here is a link to for the CD:

<iframe src=”″ style=”width:120px;height:240px;” scrolling=”no” marginwidth=”0″ marginheight=”0″ frameborder=”0″></iframe>

Mishy loves this CD, particularly, the songs, Four Hugs A Day, and I Want To Be A Dog. I really like listening to this CD too because it’s fun and loving towards children and animals.

Mishy holds her unicorn bubble wand and streamer

Bonus Photos:

Mishy told me to take this picture

Mishy wanted me to take this picture too

She continued to ask me to take pictures. Here's another one.

And another requested photo by Mishy

Last requested photo taken